delta function?

I am sorry Ray I think some (if not all) of what I wrote was poorly
thought out.  
I did not mean a plot of a delta function I simply meant plotting a
Heaviside function - step function - using signum etc..  (which is kind
of trivial)

ray> For the case of definite integrals, you'd have to teach the
ray> integration routines about delta and it's properties.  Currently,
ray> integration routiens are in Lisp, so you'd need to know Lisp"

Oie vay, gasp that sounds like a lot of work.  
Is this the only way to calculate the definite integral etc. or the

Some questions on Lisp and this project then:
How much Lisp would I need to know?
That is how deeply in your opinion do I need to go into the guts of
Maxima for this project? 
Can you point me in the right direction to begin coding if this is the
only "real" way?

Thank you.