Dear all,
I have just commited new package 'stats' to cvs, also help files in
English and Spanish were added, together with the test file.
This is the list (which should be increased in the future) of included
* mean_test
* dif_means_test
* variance_test
* variance_ratio_test
* sign_test
* signed_rank_test
* rank_sum_test (or Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test)
* shapiro_wilk_test (to check for normality)
* simple_linear_reg
This package also defines the Maxima object 'inference_result', which
stores the results of all the computations, although only a subset of
them are displayed by default (just the most commonly needed). See the
help files to learn how to obtain the complete set of results.
I have been inspired in some extent by the R statistical package: the
idea of the 'inference_result' was taken from R, and some purely
numerical algorithms are the same used by R (translated from C or
fortran to lisp; in fact, some C code in R is a translation from
previous algorithms written in fortran).
I have not implemented the R 'frame' concept, but the door is open to
make it in the future. Samples can be stored in Maxima lists or matrices
and given as arguments to the functions of package 'stats'.
I'm not sure I made the correct decisions while writing this package;
I'm open to comments (included about the help file, since I'm not a good
English writer).
Tests passed in clisp, cmucl and sbcl.
Files are in
Best wishes
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto