Agreed that mailing list archives are very valuable.
I've sent email to UT-Austin (Maorong Zou) but I didn't get a reply.
Is anyone on this list in Austin? It seems to me that by showing
up in person, any request would have a much better chance of success.
About Sourceforge, there are a couple of issues.
(1) SF has its own mailing list issues. (1a) At present the mailing archives
for maxima-commits and maxima-bugs are out of date, and when I
submitted a support request to fix that (today) I saw that a few other
projects reported the same problem. (1b) There were reports a couple
of months ago that SF didn't play nice with Gmail messages, and
today I saw similar reports about email originating from two other
domains. I believe this is about SF attempting to prevent spam.
(2) Moving the mailing list to SF would probably involve some
frustration on the part of new subscribers who are directed by
various pages out there on the web to subscribe to
maxima at . I can probably move the existing
subscribers en masse so it's new subscribers that would bump
into this problem. Maybe it's possible to set up the
address to forward automatically to SF; I don't know.
(3) A lesser problem is that the mailing list archives at SF
are rather less convenient than at UT. The SF pages are
burdened with a lot of cruft, and the only way to get a plain
text dump (mbox) is to submit a support request.
I guess at this point I'm not inclined to move the mailing list.
Maybe we should just try harder to direct people to Gmane
or Nabble or whatever for the archive. Comments?