Accessing R from maxima, WAS: Accessing maxima from the R statistical program

Dear all,

Trying to call R from Maxima, I wrote the attached toy-package.

It works as explained here:

1.- Maxima function 'Rtest_means_difference' writes a file
    called 'maxout.r'
2.- R is called by executing system command
    R -q --vanilla < maxout.r > trash
    (the problem here is that the 'trash' file stores useless
     information, but if I don't write this I get the R
     session merged into the Maxima session)
3.- R writes file 'rout.maxima' which is a column with
    the results computed by R.
4.- 'Rtest_means_difference' calls 'read_list' of the 
    numericalio package to read 'rout.maxima'
5.- 'Rtest_means_difference' constructs the 
    'inference_result' object and sends it to the console.

This procedure mimics the way Maxima calls gnuplot for plotting.

A session follows (Linux + cvs Maxima):

/**********  begin Maxima session ***********/
(%i99) load("Rstats.mac")$
(%i100) Rtest_means_difference(x,y,'mu=3);
        |              Welch Two Sample t-test
        |           statistic = 1.56664539806187
        |           parameter = 8.62758740184604
        |            p_value = 0.153090583808592
(%o100) | conf_int = [- 4.85473914070372, 45.4947391407037]
        |                 conf_level = 0.95
        |             estimate = [37.2, 16.88]
        |                  null_value = 3
        |              alternative = twosided
(%i101) Rtest_means_difference(x,y,alternative='less,
              |          Two Sample t-test
              |    statistic = 1.76599612451501
              |            parameter = 9
              |     p_value = 0.944396790074707
(%o101)       | conf_int = [minf, 52.7841814558168]
              |          conf_level = 0.99
              |      estimate = [37.2, 16.88]
              |           null_value = 0
              |         alternative = less
/**********  end Maxima session ***********/

At least, it works.

Best wishes.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
-------------- next part --------------
/*               COPYRIGHT NOTICE

Copyright (C) 2006 Mario Rodriguez Riotorto

This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 
of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

This program is distributed in the hope that it
will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
GNU General Public License for more details at

/*             INTRODUCTION

Trying to make Maxima and R good friends ...

mario AATT edu ADOT xunta ADOT es





/* Converts a Maxima list of numbers into an R */
/* list in string format, that is:             */
/*            [1,2,3] => "c(1,2,3)"            */
   if not listp(l)
     then return(-1),
   l: map('float,l),
   if not every('identity,map('numberp,l))
     then return(-2),
   n: length(l),
   if n=0
     then return("c()"),
   if n=1
     then return(sconcat("c(",l[1],")")),
   str: sconcat("c(",l[1]),
   for k:2 thru n do
      str: sconcat(str,", ", l[k]),
   sconcat(str,")")   )$

/* Converts Maxima alternative options into */
/* R alternative options                    */
  if alt='twosided
    then "\"two.sided\""
    else if alt='greater
           then "\"greater\""
           else "\"less\"" $

/* Converts Maxima boolean values into */
/* R boolean values                    */
  if boo='true
    then "TRUE"
    else "FALSE" $


/* Converts R alternative options into */
/* Maxima alternative options          */
  if alt=" two.sided "
    then 'twosided
    else if alt=" greater "
           then 'greater
           else 'less $

/* Converts R infinities into Maxima infinities */
   if val = - 'Inf
      then 'minf
      else if val = 'Inf
              then 'inf
              else val  $


/* Unpaired difference of means t-test. See 't.test' in R manual.   */
/* 50% of this code is to control input arguments and options, 30%  */
/* is to write the script and to call R, and the last 20% is to     */
/* construct the Maxima object 'inference_result'.                  */
/* Admits the following options:                                    */
/*   'alternative='twosided: this is the alternative hypothesis H1; */
/*            valid values are: 'twosided, 'greater (m1>m2) and     */
/*            'less (m1<m2).                                        */
/*   'mu=0: this is the difference value to be tested               */
/*   'varequal=false: whether variances are equal or not            */
/*   'conflevel=0.95: confidence level, a value in (0,1)            */
/*                                                                  */
/* The output of this function is an 'inference_result' object      */
/* with the following results:                                      */
/*   1. 'statistic: statistic used in the procedure                 */
/*   2. 'parameter: degrees of freedom                              */
/*   3. 'p_value: p-value of the sample statistic                   */
/*   4. 'conf_interval= confidence interval                         */
/*   5. 'conf_level= confidence level                               */
/*   6. 'estimate= means estimates (m1, m2)                        */
/*   7. 'null_value: difference to be checked                       */
/*   8. 'alternative: alternative hypothesis                        */
/* Examples:
     x: [20.4,62.5,61.3,44.2,11.1,23.7]$
     y: [1.2,6.9,38.7,20.4,17.2]$

   /* controlling arguments x and y */
   if not listp(x) or not every('identity,map('numberp,x))
      then error("Argument 'x must be a list of numbers"),
   x: map('float,x),
   nx: length(x),
   if nx<2
      then error("List 'x' must have more than one number"),

   if not listp(y) or not every('identity,map('numberp,y))
      then error("Argument 'y must be a list of numbers"),
   y: map('float,y),
   ny: length(y),
   if ny<2
      then error("List 'y' must have more than one number"),

   /* updating and controlling options */
   options:  ['alternative, 'mu, 'varequal, 'conflevel],
   defaults: ['twosided,    0,   'false,     0.95],
   for i in select do(
      aux: ?position(lhs(i),options),
      if numberp(aux) and aux <= length(options) and aux >= 1
         then defaults[aux]: rhs(i)),
   if not member(defaults[1],['twosided, 'greater, 'less])
      then error("Option 'alternative is not correct"),
   if not numberp(defaults[2])
      then error("Option 'mu' must be a number"),
   defaults[2]: float(defaults[2]),
   if not member(defaults[3], ['true, 'false])
      then error("Option 'varequal must be a 'true or 'false"),
   if not numberp(defaults[4])
      then error("Option 'conflevel must be a number"),
   defaults[4]: float(defaults[4]),
   if defaults[4] <= 0.0 or defaults[4] >= 1.0
      then error("Option 'conflevel' can't be outside interval (0,1)"),

   /* Let's call R to make the job */
      print("x <- ", M2Rlist(x)),
      print("y <- ", M2Rlist(y)),
      print("z <- t.test(x,y,",
                        "alternative=", M2Ralternative(defaults[1]),",",
                        "paired= FALSE,",
                        "var.equal=", M2Rboolean(defaults[3]),",",
                        "conf.level=", defaults[4],")"),
      print("output <- c(z$statistic[[1]],"),
      print("            z$parameter[[1]],"),
      print("            z$p.value[[1]],"),
      print("            z$[[1]],"),
      print("            z$[[2]],"),
      print("            attributes(z$[[1]],"),
      print("            z$estimate[[1]],"),
      print("            z$estimate[[2]],"),
      print("            z$null.value[[1]],"),
      print("            paste(\"\\\"\",z$alternative[[1]],\"\\\"\"),"),
      print("            paste(\"\\\"\",z$method[[1]],\"\\\"\") )"),
      print("write(output, file = \"rout.maxima\", ncolumns = 1)") ),
   system("R -q --vanilla < maxout.r > trash"),
   rout: read_list("rout.maxima"),

   /* Let's translate some R non numeric results into Maxima */
   rout[10]: R2Malternative(rout[10]),
   rout[4]: R2Minfinities(rout[4]),
   rout[5]: R2Minfinities(rout[5]),

   /* Construct the Maxima inference_result object */
   inference_result(rout[11],         /* this is the method */
                 [  ['statistic, rout[1]],
                    ['parameter, rout[2]],
                    ['p_value, rout[3]],
                    ['conf_int, [rout[4], rout[5]]],
                    ['conf_level, rout[6]],
                    ['estimate, [rout[7], rout[8]]],
                    ['null_value, rout[9]],
                    ['alternative, rout[10]]  ],
                 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])          )$