operations on polynomial expressions

Also load the coeflist package:

(%i1) load(format)$
(%i2) load(coeflist)$
(%i3) a*(x+y+z)^2 + b*(x-y-z)^2;
(%o3) a*(z+y+x)^2+b*(-z-y+x)^2
(%i4) format(%, %poly(x,y,z));
(%o4) (b+a)*z^2+(2*b+2*a)*y*z+(2*a-2*b)*x*z+(b+a)*y^2+(2*a-2*b)*x*y+(b+a)*x^2


On 11/25/06, Chris Sangwin <sangwinc at for.mat.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> Fabrizio,
> I suggest you look at the "format" package.  It is useful for these kinds
> of manipulations.
> load("format");
> There is some documentation online at
> http://matsrv3.bham.ac.uk/scripts/maxima/format/format.pdf
> (I can't find it in the "proper" place, sorry!)
> Chris