revised describe function now on cvs branch

Hi Vadim,

> Great!  Now it works almost fine except the length problem
> you mentioning.  But I worry that enforcing :utf8 for open
> is not universal solution.  It is OK with any utf8 locale and with
> English but what about other languages in 8-bit encodings?
> Maybe pt and es in iso-8859-1 are OK too since they have
> small number of non-ASCII character codes.

You're right, it is not quite correct to process iso-8859-1 as utf-8.

I see that the documentation seems to be displayed correctly
with LANG=es_ES or pt_BR, but I don't know if we can be assured
that will always work correctly.

> As far as I know Perl's open accept any encoding
> so maybe it is good idea to pass encoding
> to build_index script as extra parameter?

Yes, that makes sense to me.

All the best, & thanks for your help,
