On 11/24/06, Jan Brosius <Jan.brosius at skynet.be> wrote:
> I am new to maxima. I wonder if maxima can compile maxima programs to
> native code?
Maxima can translate Maxima programs to Lisp code using the translate
command and to native code using the compile command. Try
describe(translate), describe(compile), and describe(mode_declare) for
more information.
The resulting code will only run within the Maxima environment, as it
uses calls to Maxima runtime routines. There are some routines (try
describe(fortran)) to generate code that will run outside Maxima for
strictly numerical calculations, but not symbolic calculations.
Translating and compiling will speed up numerical code if appropriate
declarations are made using mode_declare. They will not much change
the performance of code without declarations, or code which is mostly