describe revision merged into cvs main

>> IMHO Warning in Makefile is virtually useless.
>> Who is ever cares about warnings inside several hundred
>> kilobytes log file?
> Yes, I see your point.

I rewrote checks for unexpanded Tabs and DOS
end-of-lines in more portable way.  It should
work now for any POSIX shell.

>> Only the person who watches
>> this very particular warning.  But then this person
>> can check for unexpanded Tab and DOS-EOL manually
>> without running make.  My intention was not to let
>> bad data go into final build or distribution tarball.
>> OK, maybe it was not a good idea.
> Well, if it's OK with you let's just cut it out.
> We can execute the scripts by hand.

I disabled check_texinfo for usual 'make' but
it is still performed for 'make dist'.
It seems to me as sensible compromise.
At least it doesn't permit bad data into
distribution tarball.

Manual check is fine but we are all tend to be forgetful
from time to time.  And the main purpose of various
automake/autconf tools is to make for us various
tedious and boring procedures.

With best regards,


      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>