On 12/6/06, sen1 at math.msu.edu <sen1 at math.msu.edu> wrote:
> I would like to have tools such as grep available with some of the
> built in maxima functions in interactive sessions.
> for instance, suppose I have a lot user defined functions, and some of
> them have the characters "iter" in them.
OK, here is something to look for functions with "FOO" in their names ...
load (stringproc);
sublist (map (op, functions), lambda ([e], ssearch ("FOO",string(e)) # false));
Here is something slightly more general. This makes "|" an n-ary
operator which is reminiscent of a Unix "|".
load (stringproc);
grep([L]):=if length(L) = 2
then sublist(L[2],lambda([e],ssearch(L[1],e) # false))
else buildq([a:L[1]],lambda([L2],grep(a,L2)));
"|"([L]) := block ([a : first(L)], for e in rest(L) do a : apply (e, [a]), a);
grep ("foo", ["foo1", "foo2", "bar1", "bar2"]);
=> [foo1, foo2]
grep ("foo");
=> lambda([L2], grep(foo, L2))
aab(x) := 1; aac(x) := 2; aad(x) := 3; bbc(x) := 4; bbd(x) := 5;
ccb(x) := 6; ccd(x) := 7;
=> [grep([L]), "|"([L]), aab(x), aac(x), aad(x), bbc(x), bbd(x),
ccb(x), ccd(x)]
map (op, functions) | grep ("a");
=> [aab, aac, aad]
map (op, functions) | grep ("a") | grep ("c");
=> [aac]
map (op, functions) | grep ("ab") | lambda ([L], map (supcase, L));
=> [$AAB]
(Dollar sign appears because function names are symbols, not strings;
an intervening lambda([L], map(string, L)) would suppress the $ here.)
I've kicked around ideas to make "pipeline"-like constructs in Maxima,
but never settled on anything. A couple of issues for discussion:
(1) The "|" defined above works on whole lists. "|" for lazy lists
(i.e. elements don't appear until you ask for them) would be nice;
it would make processing very long lists more efficient.
Of course that requires a lazy list implementation, which Maxima
lacks at the moment. (2) Each operator in the pipeline has to take
a list as an argument, because some operators take away some
elements; if every operator justs changes each element, without
changing the number of elements, functions which take a single
element as an argument could be pipeline operators. As it stands,
such functions have to be wrapped in lambda([L], map(F, L)).
On a related note, the notion of importing CL-PPCRE (a very
powerful regex library) into Maxima has been floated at least once.
Maxima already contains NREGEX, another regex library.
Robert Dodier