some editing tools for maxima

On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 08:42 -0500, sen1 at wrote:
>   Where is the history file located?
> When one types "Alt-p" in xmaxima, one scrolls through the previous
> commands.  Are these commands kept in a file or variable, so one could
> look at them in some list (e.g. the way one looks at the functions
> with the command "functions"? 

No file is used for the history. The commands are saved in a Tcl list
called "inputs". If you are running xmaxima from a wish console,
you can access that list. The previous inputs are also saved (by
maxima) in %i, %2, %3,.... If you restart Maxima, those variables
will be lost, while the inputs list will keep its content.

In the latest version of xmaxima in CVS, if you type "disc" at the
prompt and then "Alt-p" several times,  you will cycle through all
your previous inputs that contained the sub-string "disc". This
is explained in the Xmaxima manual included with the latest version
of Xmaxima.
