Maxima 5.11 release candidate 1

Jaime, thanks a lot for testing the rc. I really appreciate your help.

> 1. The figures that were in interfaces/xmaxima/doc/figures in the
> repository, appear in a wrong location: interfaces/xmaxima/doc.
> The cause of the problem is that when I committed those figures
> to the repository, I was using an ancient version of automake (1.4)
> while Robert used a newer version (1.8) to create the tarball.
> I fixed the problem by making the files compatible
> with all versions of automake.


> 2. describe fails if Maxima has not been built for the current language
> being used.

> It the describe index for the current language is not found, Maxima
> should then look for the English index.

Agreed. I'll try to modify src/cl-info.lisp to fall back on English
if another version is not found.

> 3. Is there any particular reason to include the html version of
> the Maxima manual in the distribution tar.gz file?

Well, I think the motivation is that including the html & info files
obviates the need to have the texinfo tools on hand when you
build from the tar ball. That seems like a good idea, so I think
the html files should stay.

> 4. Unless anybody has an objection, I would like to include the PDF
> version of the manual figures in the distributed tar.gz. They are
> necessary to create the PDF version of the Manual.

OK by me.

> 1. maxima_5.10.99rc1-1.fedora2.i386.rpm should not include the file
> /usr/share/info/ or any other files in the directory
> /usr/share/maxima/5.10.99rc1/xmaxima/
> Most o those files are already part of the package
> maxima-xmaxima-5.10.99rc1-1.fedora2.i386.rpm
> The file is not in the maxima-xmaxima package but
> it should.
> When one tries to install the two rpm files in Debian (using alien)
> it fails because of those repeated files.

If you want to modify maxima.spec to change the rpms,
that is OK by me.

> 2. If one does not install the maxima-xmaxima RPM, all the Maxima
> commands that depend on openmath (openplot_curves, plotdf, ...)
> will fail. I will update the documentation to warn the users about
> the commands that depend on xmaxima.


Thanks again for your help.
