Maxima 5.11 release candidate 1

If it is decided that the html files should be put in a separate rpm
or tar file, I would suggest that the two rpm or tar files be

  1. one with the whole distribution including the html stuff (as it is
  2. one without the html stuff.

I personally like the fact that I can download one file and get

I use the html versions a lot.  They are much easier to search through
    that the info files.  For instance, one can easily set up a simple
    command to load the html files from within maxima using an external
    browser.  That allows the searching through the pages with the browser
    (e.g. firefox, or whatever).

These days when people have discs of 200 GB+ and are thinking of
downloading music, videos, etc,  I don't think 13 MB vs. 9 MB is a big deal.


    would suggest that you make aOn Fri, 8 Dec 2006, Jaime E. Villate wrote:

> On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 08:47 -0700, Robert Dodier wrote:
>>> 3. Is there any particular reason to include the html version of
>>> the Maxima manual in the distribution tar.gz file?
>> Well, I think the motivation is that including the html & info files
>> obviates the need to have the texinfo tools on hand when you
>> build from the tar ball. That seems like a good idea, so I think
>> the html files should stay.
> I agree with your argument in the case of the info file. They are
> required by describe. But the html files I see them as an extra
> feature; they are already in the homepage where people can read them.
> We could put them in a separate tarball that could be in the website.
> We are talking about 446 html files and a change of the tarball size
> from 13M to 9.7M.
>> If you want to modify maxima.spec to change the rpms,
>> that is OK by me.
> OK, I will. Debian has a nice tool called lintian, which lists
> several suggestions on how to improve those packages.
> Regards,
> Jaime
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