>> Of course, users of the sources can do this by themselves, but
>> how much is to be gained or lost with removing the html's?
> As I said before, the tarball size is reduced from 13MB to 9.7MB.
> In any case, 13MB is still small in my view, so I really do not
> have strong feelings against those files.
I don't think the source tarball size is an issue.
Yes each set of .html add 0.5Mb to the tarball
1. Now Internet is full of audio, video and games.
Hundredth of megabytes, gigabytes! A few megabytes
of mathematical data is almost nothing compared to that.
2. Take a look at the download counters for source
tarball and Windows installer at SF download page.
Download rate for sources is several times smaller
than for Windows installer. From 6 to 10 times.
So I still think that packaging .html into source
tarball is the right thing. But if and inly if
we ensure that they are not rebuild if source
.texi are unchanged. This is not the case right
now and this is very bad!
With best regards,
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at mail.ru>
<vvzhy at netorn.ru>