2 Graphs - 2 Intervals - 1 Window

On Sun, 2006-12-10 at 11:31 +0100, Claudius Euteneuer wrote:
> now I want to plot the funtions in 2 different Intervals (in the 
> same window):
> sin(x) with [x,-10,10] _and_
> cos(x) with [x,-3,2]
> Does anoyone know how to do that? 

(%i1) xx: makelist(0.01*i,i,-300,200)$
(%i2) yy: makelist(cos(i),i,xx)$
(%i3) plot2d([sin(x),[discrete, xx, yy]],[x,-10,10])$

It's not very elegant, and cos(x) will be labelled as "discrete 2", but
currently plot2d does not accept different intervals for two different
functions. We'll add that to the list of features in the wish-list
for future versions of plot2d.