texmacs and maxima behave differently when loading function

I'm trying to load the following function called critpt.max (based 
on an example by  Richard Rand).
When starting maxima I get the following:
coolens at antec:~$ maxima
Maxima restarted.
(%i1) batch ("/home/coolens/maxima/critpt.max");
batching #p/home/coolens/maxima/critpt.max
(%i2) critpt() := (PRINT("program to find critical point"),
f : READ("enter f(x)"), PRINT("f = ", f), eq : [DIFF(f, x)], unk : [x],
SOLVE(eq, unk))

When I do the same in texmacs, the program seems to wait forever and never 
shows (%i3)

Does anyone know here how to make things work from within texmacs?


Here is the function:
print("program to find critical point"),
asks for a function
f:read("enter f(x)"),
echoes it, to make sure
print("f = ",f),
produces a list with derivative of f
produces a list of unknowns
solves the system