stupid question from integrate?


Daniel Lakeland <dlakelan <at>> writes:

> Today I was playing around with the concept of absolute integrability:
> integrate(sin(x)/x,x,0,inf) gives %pi/2
> integrate(abs(sin(x)/x),x,0,inf) asks the seemingly stupid question:
> Is  ind  positive, negative, or zero?
> the user has absolutely no idea what maxima is asking... I'm going to
> assume that it has something to do with a change of variable deep
> within the integrator... but it's completely opaque to me.
> Any suggestions? I can file a bug if necessary but I'd like to flesh
> out what the bug should say 

  I tried this with mathematica and it gives a wrong result too.  Perhaps a 
possible solution for this cases would be to compare this with 

integrate(sin(x)^2/x,0,inf) that diverges, 0 <= sin(x)^2 <= abs(sin(x)).

  Maxima don't know how to compute that integral:

(%i6) integrate(sin(x)^2/x,x,1,inf);
(%o6) integrate(sin(x)^2/x,x,1,inf)

  But it can do it by the laplace transform:

  (%i19) laplace(sin(t)^2/t,t,s);
Is  s  positive, negative, or zero?p;
(%o19) 2*(log(s^2+4)/8-log(s)/4)
(%i20) limit(%,s,0);Is  s  positive or negative?p;
(%o20) und

 The above limit is wrong, it should be -inf.  So

  I think that there is  a long life for  mathematician, just not to be replaced
 by a computer program :).

  Best wishes to the list.