Macsyma buyout, community/Google/IBM ???

On Fri, 2006-12-15 at 13:48 -0800, Daniel Lakeland wrote:
> Google has also been
> instrumental through its Summer of Code program in improving several
> free software packages.
If I remember correctly, a Maxima proposal was sent to the Summer of
Code, and it was not accepted.

> What is the chance that we could convince Google to buy out, or
> provide matching funds for a buy out of commercial Macsyma for release
> under the GPL and eventual incorporation into maxima?
I guess we'll only find out if you go ahead and try it :)

> A similar buyout was arranged for the Blender 3D modelling system back
> in 2002 (100k euros for the GPL release).
By the way, in a move similar to what was done with Blender, a group
is asking for donations to rescue a very nice 3D game/simulation, whose
owners are requesting bankruptcy. You can see the details in
(The Free Software Foundation has donated $ 60 000)
