I'm reading matcom.lisp, there are very few comments, and I think that this
code is hard to read, i'm knew to lisp. Is there an easier way to understand
maxima source code? If i find spare time i would like to contribute to some of
this modules.
Another point:
I think that it would be very much productive to have a database, something
like mathematica or prolog, so the user can contribute with transformation
rules. I have some experience with mathematica, and you can construct very
smart code with rules.
I think that coding in lisp with maxima is about 40 % making the rule of a
compiler: that is you have to (caar) for the operator, (cdr ) for the list of
arguments, (cond for testing the type of the arguments, ...
A CommonMath project looking for the user to contribute is not possible if
source code is so hard to read and maintain.
There are efficiency reason for coding in lisp, but i think that
transformation rules are a very good point that deserve to be studied.
Making code more readable would be a very good point.