How to use vect?

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>From: Thomas Widlar
>Sent by: maxima-bounces at
>Date: 12/21/2006 06:04PM
>cc: Maxima list
>Subject: How to use vect?
>Where can I find documentation on how to use
>vect? I executed
>demo("vect"); but I don't know what it means to
>tell me.

At a Maxima input, try ? vect. Read about vectorsimp,
vect_cross, and vectorpotential.

>How do I declare vectors?

In component form, a vector is a Maxima list, say [1,2,3],
so no special declaration is needed. For vectors not
in component form (say 'x' is a vector), just do
declare(p, nonscalar).

>How do I assign them?

The colon operator; say x : [1,2,3].

>What operators are available? (".", "~", what

div, grad, curl, and all that (in several coordinate

>What functions are available?

Find a potential, laplacian, and lots of options for

> Does diff() and integrate() understand vectors?

Yes, I think so:

(%i1) load(vect)$
(%i2) vect_cross : true$
(%i3) declare([a,b], nonscalar)$
(%i4) depends(a,t,b,t)$
(%i5) diff(a~b,t);
(%o5) ('diff(a,t,1))~b+a~('diff(b,t,1))
(%i6) diff(a.b,t);
(%o6) 'diff(a,t,1).b+a.'diff(b,t,1)
(%i7) integrate([t,t^2,t^3],t,0,1);
(%o7) [1/2,1/3,1/4]
