LAPACK with maxima

* Robert Dodier (2006-12-22 23:21 -0700) said:
> On 12/22/06, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at> wrote:
>> It's just very big, that's all.  I haven't and don't plan on
>> creating interfaces to all the functions.  Eigenvalue/eigenvector
>> and SVD seem useful, so I've done those.
>> Perhaps it can be a share or contrib package, but I'm not even sure
>> it should be checked into maxima at all.
> If you mean some or all of LAPACK -- yes, I believe it should be
> committed to cvs.

Is this similar to what does?

> I believe it is important and widely used, so it should in a
> subdirectory of src (not share).  We can work on creating interfaces
> apart from just getting the f2cl output loaded into Maxima
> Thanks for working on this problem,
> Robert

Leo <sdl.web AT>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)