LAPACK with maxima

Hi Ray,
  Here is the output of an attempt to load lapack on a Fedora Core 4

Thanks for working on the port.


(%i4) build_info();

Maxima version: 5.11.0
Maxima build date: 1:31 12/24/2006
host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
lisp-implementation-type: CMU Common Lisp
lisp-implementation-version: 19c Fedora Extras release 4.fc4 (19C)

(%i5) load("lapack");
; Compilation aborted after 0:00:00.

; Compilation unit aborted.

; Compilation unit aborted.

; Compilation unit aborted.

Load failed for /usr/local/src/maxima/share/lapack/load-lapack.lisp
  -- an error.  To debug this try debugmode(true);

On Sun, 24 Dec 2006, Raymond Toy wrote:

> Valery Pipin wrote:
>> Dear Ray,
>> Raymond Toy wrote:
>>> Daniel Lakeland wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2006 at 01:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>> Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> As mentioned before in another thread, maxima lacks numerical
>>>>>> computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
>>>>> I have this basically working and roughly integrated with maxima.  Is
>>>>> any one interested in this?
>>>> I am sure if it were available people would find good uses for it.
>>> It's just very big, that's all.  I haven't and don't plan on creating
>>> interfaces to all the functions.  Eigenvalue/eigenvector and SVD seem
>>> useful, so I've done those.
>>> Perhaps it can be a share or contrib package, but I'm not even sure it
>>> should be checked into maxima at all.
>> Could you please put  it to some public place.
> You can find a copy at
> It's not in the best shape but it should be usable.  To install, cd to
> the share directory and untar this file.  You'll get an lapack directory
> that contains everything.  You'll have to add share/lapack to maxima's
> file search path.
> Once you've done that, you should be able to do load("lapack");  This
> will compile and load up all of lapack (that I've converted so far).
> This may take some time.
> Once that's done, you have direct access to dgeev and dgesvd.  dgeev
> takes 1 arg and 2 optional args.  The first arg is a maxima matrix.  If
> the second arg is true, the right eigenvectors are returned.  If the
> third arg is true, the left eigenvectors are returned.  The output is a
> list of 3 items:  a list of the eigenvalues, the matrix of right
> eigenvectors, and the matrix of left eigenvectors, if selected.
> For dgesvd, there are 3 args.  The first is the matrix.  If the second
> arg is true, then U matrix is returned.  If the third arg is true, then
> V^T is returned, where A = U * S * V^T.  A list is returned consisting
> of a list of the diagonal elements of S, the matrix U, and the matrix V^T.
> There are probably bugs here, but it's a start.
> Ray
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