ratsum.mac version 1.0

 Hello, ratsum.mac computes an approximation of sum(a(n),n,n0,inf) with a(n) 
 a rational function.  This is the code.

/* ratsum.mac v1.0 */

/* ratsum computes an approximation of sum(an,n,n0,inf) with a_n a rational

The algorithm  uses two facts:
(1) the series  b_k = 1/( n(n+1)(n+2)...(n+k)) is  telescopic and its summ is 
1/k *k!.
(2) for any rational a_n  we take  b_k such that lim a(n)/b_k = c #0, c
constant. Then

a(n) - c *b(n) converges to zero more quickly than a(n),
 write  r_1(n) = a(n) - c*b(n),
iterating this process p times  we obtain

a_n =  c_1*b_1 + c_2*b_2 + ... c_s*b_s  + r_p(n)

for n big, the term r_p decreaces very quickly  (the difference between the 
degree of numerator
and degree of denominator increase in each step) hence

  sum(a_n) is  approx  a_1 + ... + a_terms + sum c_i b_i,n,terms+1,inf)

p:17       is the number of times the acceleration process is done.
terms:30   is the partial summation of a_n used by the algorithm,
both  parameters can be increased without problems to increase the
accuracy of the algorithm.


principal(ex,n):= block([num,den,h1,h2,c1,c2],num:ratnum(ex),
	[ratcoef(num,n,h1)/ratcoef(den,n,h2),h2 - h1]);

	for i:1 thru p do
		ex:ex - l[1]*product(1/(n+i),i,0,k),
		sb:sb + l[1]/k *product(1/i,i,terms+start,terms+start+k-1)),		
	sum(ratio,n,start,terms+start-1) + sb);
/* examples

(%i45) ratsum(1/(n*(n+1)),n,1);
(%o45) 1
(%i46) ratsum(1/(n*(n+1)*(n+2)),n,5);
(%o46) 1/60
(%i51) ratsum(1/n^2,n,1);
(%o51) 1696150783182270964333069992550871/
(%i52) float(%);
(%o52) 1.644934066848226
(%i53) float(%pi^2/6);
(%o53) 1.644934066848226