levin versus ratsum

miguel lopez <miguel39123 <at> hotmail.com> writes:

> Michel Van den Bergh <michel.vandenbergh <at> uhasselt.be> writes:
> > http://math.depaul.edu/~mash/telescopetams.pdf
> > 
>  Just for fun, ...
---> I realize that b_n is not a_n + a_(n+1), so forget this part.

 When i make ratsum my idea was to project the  rational function  over the 
vectorial space of telescopic rational functions and then use a suitable 

 a_n = b_n + r_n with b_n telescopic and r_n not telescopic, looking for this
decomposition the above paper may give me somes ideas, because it suggest  such
decomposition, so that a_n is telescopic iif r_n =0.

 Perhaps this  new decomposition can accelerate the algorithm for summation.
Well this is just a quick refletion nothing more.

Best regards.
