simplifying sums of numbers

Actually, the bipartite search may be good enough for my purposes.
I'll look into it.

Also, it seems that


does the same thing as



> Hello,
>> Some comments:
>> (1) While it is good that the interpol routines are available, they seem
>>      to be much too slow for my purposes.
> Specific numeric procedures would speed up computations in your case,
> since you are working with a lot of sample points. But the idea behind
> the interpolating functions is to have symbolic capabilities as well.
>>   [....]
>> (2) Back to the "interpol" routines.  It seems to me that they should
>>      be rewritten using search tools.  Suppose that the data are given as
>>      (using latex notation) $$ \{ I_i = (x_i, y_i) \} $$
>>    One should first define the affine functions, say $g_i$  for the
>>     intervals $I_i$.
>>     If $g$ is the final interpolation  function
>>    (a)   $$ g(x) = \sum charfun(I_i)g_i(x)$$
>>          then to evaluate g(x), one should first
>>    (b) search to find  which interval $I_j$ contains $x$,
>>      then
>>    (c) evaluate $g_j(x)$.
>>    Ditto for other one dimensional interpolation functions.
> Another approach is to order the set of pairs with respect to x_i, and
> search for the interval (x_i, x_{i+1}) containing x, then you can
> compute g_i with pairs (x_i, y_i) and (x_{i+1}, y_{i+1}).
>>      Computing the sum in (a) wastes a lot of time and computing
>>    resources.  I am not  sure which search tools are best for the one
>>    dimensional search routine. Do you have suggestions?
> First, you need to get the pairs ordered with respect to x,
> (%i1) load(interpol)$
> (%i2) z: interpol_check_input([[-3,4],[4,2],[-10,5],[0,6]]);
> (%o2)          [[- 10, 5], [- 3, 4], [0, 6], [4, 2]]
> For searching, a bipartition method could be fast enough: first compare
> x with element in position length(z)/2, and take the inferior or
> superior half of pairs, and repeat this process until you find the
> interval.
> Does this help?

  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |