Happy new year.

 Hi, happy new year to everybody.

       About the recent post of Lakeland:

  If the functions change very quickly the method is of no use. The functions C1
and C2 can be very near at t_k but go far at t_k + &.  So you see that n is
related to max the derivates.

      About Gosper, I'm happy than nusum can compute the antidifference correctly.  

      About computing the sum of rational functions by polygamma functions:
first this needs to compute the roots of the denominator --> a numerical method,
so the obtained precision is not that os polygamma but that of the numerical
method for computing the roots of the denominator.

  Again, happy new year 2007.  I hope that maxima or eaglebug (my prefered name)
can eat the bugs and became and eagle. Now the eagle seems to be eating bugs.

 Math should be fun if is going to be wide spread.

 - M
At hide3 (hiden university, hiden department, hiden city).