simplifying sums of numbers

On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 03:08:55PM -0800, Daniel Lakeland wrote:

> Now you can look at each non-empty subsquare for matching pairs t1 and
> t2 so that c1(t1) and c2(t2) are both in the same subsquare. Now you
> should be able to linearize or taylor approximate over the interval
> associated with t1 and t2 to solve for approximate intersections if any.

As was pointed out in another thread, when the derivative wrt t is
large this method requires more densely sampled points, either in
subsquares, or in t

Another suggestion, once you have selected a pair of intervals to
search in, for finding intersection points, perhaps you could
formulate the search in terms of minimizing the squared difference
between the functions, with the midpoint of the two intervals in t as
the starting points. The "lbfgs" code imported by Robert Dodier is
available in maxima for this purpose.

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at