Strange plot2d behaviour

> (%i1) g(s):=block([s__],s__:s,remvalue(s),s__)$
> (%i2) g(2);
> (%o2)                                  2
> (%i3) plot2d(g,[t,1,2]);
> Warning: Illegal `remvalue' attempt:
> s
> Warning: Illegal `remvalue' attempt:

I have some more information on this problem. Changing the
definition of g(s) to


it appears that within plot2d s has the property "system value"  (with
quotes) instead of value which
presumably explains why maxima does not want to forget its value.

Now this seems clearly a bug to me (there is nothing "system" about
s within the function g, it is just a parameter).

Comments or explanations?
