remvalue, was: Strange plot2d behaviour

On 1/1/07, Michel Van den Bergh <michel.vandenbergh at> wrote:

> But look at the example.  g(2) does *not* give a warning but g within
> plot2d does give warnings.

Michel, it turns out the strangeness is indeed within plot2d.

I've made 2 mistakes here.

(1) plot2d calls g in a nonstandard way (not via MFUNCALL).
So that's the origin of this bit of strangeness. For the record,
the bit to repair is COERCE-FLOAT-FUN in src/plot.lisp.

(2) When a Maxima function is called via MFUNCALL, the arguments
do indeed appear on the values list (therefore REMVALUE is happy).

It would be very helpful if you can report this bug to the SF bug tracker
and, if you do, you can just cut-n-paste this email.
