remvalue, was: Strange plot2d behaviour (correction)

I still don't know what you are trying to accomplish with your ev.

Assuming that you wish to create (t_4)_1  in TeX notation.. for h(r,s),
where r=t[4] and s=1..

try this
[r:?gensym(), s:?gensym(), define(h(r,s),r[s]),remvalue(r,s)];

now there is no way to "fool"  h.

> If you can give me a (generic!) solution with
> ?gensum()
> I will be happy to learn it.
> But the fact remains is that I don't see why maxima interpreter cannot
> do this for us.

(See previous note:  basically because "ev" doesn't know where to get
bindings, and probably cannot do better.)