remvalue, was: Strange plot2d behaviour (correction)

1. It could be that subvar has a bug in it, at least relative to what you
want. It is defined as...

(defmspec $subvar (l) (setq l (cdr l))
	  (if (null l) (wna-err '$subvar)) (meval (cons '(mqapply array)

What you want is to evaluate s exactly once to get t, not twice to get 1.
Why your function should evaluate s twice, I don't know. For example,
h(s,t):=s+t  returns h(t,1) = t+1,  not 2.

(defmspec $subvar (l) (setq l (cdr l))
	  (if (null l) (wna-err '$subvar))  (cons '(mqapply array) l))

Note the problem is that subvar does an extra "ev" by calling meval. This is
bringing the chickens home to roost: blaming ev.

I'm not sure when subvar is supposed to be used. I've never seen it before
this discussion.

It could be that the issue you are most concerned with is scope, and this ev
is just a distraction.


   do you want t[1] or hello?
If you want hello, then the argument binding convention for maxima (and for
lisp in 1969) of dynamic scope, is not going to get that answer.

Rewriting maxima to do lexical scope, as is used in common lisp, might be
worthwhile, and could be done by changing meval and associated programs,
mostly in one source file, but could break user programs that now work.  I
believe that Maple changed its scope rules about 10 years ago.

Regarding replacing arguments with gensyms...

Here is a program:

   apply(define, [subst(subl,part(s,1)),
                 subst(subl,part(s,2)) ]))

Here is another program that is often equivalent:

sanitize2(s):=( s:apply(fundef,[s]),

The sanitize program does not have to be sanitized, ever, because it doesn't
use ev.

The sanitize2 program uses ev, and I do not entirely trust it. Even if run
through sanitize.

Also, if you insist on using ev inside your program, then I suspect that
internal lambda-bindings or local bindings also need to be sanitized, and
neither of these programs may be good enough. But I'm not usre.

Regarding the case of 


consider even more...
g(a):=lambda([x],a+x)$  /* g returns not a symbol, but a function with a
local binding for the variable "a" */

add3:''g(3);   /* should be lambda([x],3+x) */

add3(4)  -->  should be 7, but is a+4.
The equivalent lisp program gives 7.
 (defun g(a)(lambda(x)(+ a x)))
  (apply (r 3) '(4))

This case of a returned functional argument has been discussed at length in
the lisp literature, going back 40 years. It is a powerful concept missing
from most other languages, even today.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: maxima-bounces at 
> [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michel 
> Van den Bergh

> >   
> This looks rather good! I will try it out. But again why shouldn't the
> maxima interpreter do
> this automatically?