proposal to cut out romberg and quanc8 functions

> I don't have any strong opinions about this. But romberg and quanc8
> have the advantage that they can be nested:
> (%i1) romberg(romberg(x^2+y^2, x, 0, y), y, 0, 1);
> (%o1) 0.33333333333333
> (%i2) integrate(integrate(x^2+y^2, x, 0, y), y, 0, 1);
> (%o2) 1/3
> Andrej
The semantics of this nesting seems dubious as
romberg(x^2+y^2, x, 0, y) gives (of course) an error.

I am just saying this since on this list there seems to be a tendency to
upon functions that don't evaluate their arguments:-)

I assume the nesting can be achieved with the new functions using some
kind of lambda construct...
