proposal to cut out romberg and quanc8 functions

>     Robert> On 1/3/07, Michel Van den Bergh <michel.vandenbergh at> wrote:
>     >> I assume the nesting can be achieved with the new functions using some
>     >> kind of lambda construct...
>     Robert> Yes, a lambda expression has the expected effect here.
>     Robert> quad_qags (lambda ([y], quad_qags (lambda ([x], x^2 + y^2), x, 0,
>     Robert> y)[1]), y, 0, 1);
>     Robert>   => [.3333333333333333, 3.70074341541719E-15, 21, 0]
> Just a note for the unwary:  The error estimate produced here
> (3.7e-15) is probably way off because it doesn't take into account the
> error produced by the inner quad_qags.

Hmm true! I assume the original romberg did not have this problem?
