recent attempt

On 1/3/07, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at> wrote:

>     Robert> OK, let's not mess with the src build system. Let's put it in
>     Robert> share/lapack. Can we compile it there so that users don't need to?
> Yeah, that we can probably do by running maxima one additional time to
> build it.  I'm not sure what this will achieve though, unless you also
> ship the result fasls to the user.  I don't think we do that today, do
> we?

Yes, I am proposing that we ship the compiler output (fasls or
whatever) to the users. We don't do it at present but it seems like
it is just a matter of naming the files in or something.
We might want to figure out a defsystem thing for lapack
but that would not be part of the shipped stuff.

> But the bottom line is somebody has to take the hit.  And I'd prefer
> it not be a developer since his time is scarce. :-)

If you don't have time to work out the build/packaging stuff,
I'll try to do it. Just let me know. Thanks again for working on
lapack, I think it's a great contribution.

All the best,