question about sublists

Actually, it would be good to have functions to do both tasks.

For instance, to do various operations on permutations, it is very
useful to find the indices where certain list values occur.

   As a related comment, in using the functions lmin, lmax, I find it
   useful to get not only the minimum value, but the places in the list
   where it occurs. Is there already a function which does this?  I
   looked at Barton's maxmin.lisp but could not find one.

  t was a simpletask to write a routine which does this, but I 
think such routines should be built in.


On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, miguel lopez wrote:

>> From Robert Dodier:
>> I think this is a general problem and Maxima should have a built-in
>> function for it. How about if we call it "find".
>  I think that find should gives the elements that verify the predicate P and
> not the positions of this elements (like in lisp), so i suggest that this be
> called position (find-position, etc.).
> Find should be like select in Mathematica.
> Also:  Gmane maxima doesn't work today (last message that appears is from
> yesterday).
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