Thank you very much for your help!
I'm a bit disappointed that there seems to be no easy way to do such kind of
transformation in a save, automatic way. I have put a real example of what I
have to simplify (to make more compact) below. None of your tips give me a
good result with those monsters. On the other side, I know that there is a
much more compact form for them (doing it by hand).
Concerning your "combinatorial search functions", can I make use of them for
this special case and where can I find them. The time consumption is not the
> On 1/5/07, ZINTEL Gerhard <gerhard.zintel at> wrote:
> > EQ1: Zo*C*L+Zo*A*L-Zo*D*K+Zo*B*K-Zo*C*J-Zo*A*J-Zo*D*I+Zo*B*I+B*L-D*J
> >
> > Now I know the most compact form would be
> >
> > EQ2: Zo * ((C+A)*(L-J) + (B-D)*(K+I)) + B*L - D*J
> >
> > How to make MAXIMA finding EQ2 from EQ1?
> In general, scanmap(factor,...) doesn't do anything useful, because it
> recurses over individual terms; neither does
> scanmap(factor,...,bottomup). Factorsum handles some cases like this,
> but not all. I have written combinatorial search functions for
> simpler forms, but they can get very time-consuming.
> In this particular case, it seems that the approach to take manually
> is fairly straightforward:
> map(factorsum,rat(EQ1,Zo));
> or
> dd: divide(EQ1,Zo)$
> Zo*factorsum(dd[1])+dd[2]) ;
> Of course, this doesn't generalize to arbitrary expressions....
> -s
[ZINTEL Gerhard]
Zo*A11*A22*T14*T45*T56 - Zo*A12*A21*T14*T45*T56
+ Zo*A11*T12*T45*T56 - Zo*A12*T11*T45*T56 - Zo*A11*A22*T15*T44*T56
+ Zo*A12*A21*T15*T44*T56 - Zo*A11*A22*T13*T44*T56
+ Zo*A12*A21*T13*T44*T56 + Zo*A21*T12*T44*T56 - Zo*A22*T11*T44*T56
+ Zo*A11*A22*T14*T43*T56 - Zo*A12*A21*T14*T43*T56
+ Zo*A11*T12*T43*T56 - Zo*A12*T11*T43*T56 - Zo*A11*T15*T42*T56
- Zo*A21*T14*T42*T56 - Zo*A11*T13*T42*T56 - Zo*T11*T42*T56
+ Zo*A12*T15*T41*T56 + Zo*A22*T14*T41*T56 + Zo*A12*T13*T41*T56
+ Zo*T12*T41*T56 + A11*A22*T14*T35*T56 - A12*A21*T14*T35*T56
+ A11*T12*T35*T56 - A12*T11*T35*T56 - A11*A22*T15*T34*T56
+ A12*A21*T15*T34*T56 - A11*A22*T13*T34*T56 + A12*A21*T13*T34*T56
+ A21*T12*T34*T56 - A22*T11*T34*T56 + A11*A22*T14*T33*T56
- A12*A21*T14*T33*T56 + A11*T12*T33*T56 - A12*T11*T33*T56
- A11*T15*T32*T56 - A21*T14*T32*T56 - A11*T13*T32*T56 - T11*T32*T56
+ A12*T15*T31*T56 + A22*T14*T31*T56 + A12*T13*T31*T56 + T12*T31*T56
- Zo*A11*A22*T14*T46*T55 + Zo*A12*A21*T14*T46*T55
- Zo*A11*T12*T46*T55 + Zo*A12*T11*T46*T55 + Zo*A11*A22*T16*T44*T55
- Zo*A12*A21*T16*T44*T55 + Zo*A11*T12*T44*T55 - Zo*A12*T11*T44*T55
+ Zo*A11*T16*T42*T55 - Zo*A11*T14*T42*T55 - Zo*A12*T16*T41*T55
+ Zo*A12*T14*T41*T55 - A11*A22*T14*T36*T55 + A12*A21*T14*T36*T55
- A11*T12*T36*T55 + A12*T11*T36*T55 + A11*A22*T16*T34*T55
- A12*A21*T16*T34*T55 + A11*T12*T34*T55 - A12*T11*T34*T55
+ A11*T16*T32*T55 - A11*T14*T32*T55 - A12*T16*T31*T55
+ A12*T14*T31*T55 + Zo*A11*A22*T15*T46*T54 - Zo*A12*A21*T15*T46*T54
+ Zo*A11*A22*T13*T46*T54 - Zo*A12*A21*T13*T46*T54
- Zo*A21*T12*T46*T54 + Zo*A22*T11*T46*T54 - Zo*A11*A22*T16*T45*T54
+ Zo*A12*A21*T16*T45*T54 - Zo*A11*T12*T45*T54 + Zo*A12*T11*T45*T54
- Zo*A11*A22*T16*T43*T54 + Zo*A12*A21*T16*T43*T54
- Zo*A11*T12*T43*T54 + Zo*A12*T11*T43*T54 + Zo*A21*T16*T42*T54
+ Zo*A11*T15*T42*T54 + Zo*A11*T13*T42*T54 + Zo*T11*T42*T54
- Zo*A22*T16*T41*T54 - Zo*A12*T15*T41*T54 - Zo*A12*T13*T41*T54
- Zo*T12*T41*T54 + A11*A22*T15*T36*T54 - A12*A21*T15*T36*T54
+ A11*A22*T13*T36*T54 - A12*A21*T13*T36*T54 - A21*T12*T36*T54
+ A22*T11*T36*T54 - A11*A22*T16*T35*T54 + A12*A21*T16*T35*T54
- A11*T12*T35*T54 + A12*T11*T35*T54 - A11*A22*T16*T33*T54
+ A12*A21*T16*T33*T54 - A11*T12*T33*T54 + A12*T11*T33*T54
+ A21*T16*T32*T54 + A11*T15*T32*T54 + A11*T13*T32*T54 + T11*T32*T54
- A22*T16*T31*T54 - A12*T15*T31*T54 - A12*T13*T31*T54 - T12*T31*T54
- Zo*A11*A22*T14*T46*T53 + Zo*A12*A21*T14*T46*T53
- Zo*A11*T12*T46*T53 + Zo*A12*T11*T46*T53 + Zo*A11*A22*T16*T44*T53
- Zo*A12*A21*T16*T44*T53 + Zo*A11*T12*T44*T53 - Zo*A12*T11*T44*T53
+ Zo*A11*T16*T42*T53 - Zo*A11*T14*T42*T53 - Zo*A12*T16*T41*T53
+ Zo*A12*T14*T41*T53 - A11*A22*T14*T36*T53 + A12*A21*T14*T36*T53
- A11*T12*T36*T53 + A12*T11*T36*T53 + A11*A22*T16*T34*T53
- A12*A21*T16*T34*T53 + A11*T12*T34*T53 - A12*T11*T34*T53
+ A11*T16*T32*T53 - A11*T14*T32*T53 - A12*T16*T31*T53
+ A12*T14*T31*T53 + Zo*A11*T15*T46*T52 + Zo*A21*T14*T46*T52
+ Zo*A11*T13*T46*T52 + Zo*T11*T46*T52 - Zo*A11*T16*T45*T52
+ Zo*A11*T14*T45*T52 - Zo*A21*T16*T44*T52 - Zo*A11*T15*T44*T52
- Zo*A11*T13*T44*T52 - Zo*T11*T44*T52 - Zo*A11*T16*T43*T52
+ Zo*A11*T14*T43*T52 - Zo*T16*T41*T52 + Zo*T14*T41*T52
+ A11*T15*T36*T52 + A21*T14*T36*T52 + A11*T13*T36*T52 + T11*T36*T52
- A11*T16*T35*T52 + A11*T14*T35*T52 - A21*T16*T34*T52
- A11*T15*T34*T52 - A11*T13*T34*T52 - T11*T34*T52 - A11*T16*T33*T52
+ A11*T14*T33*T52 - T16*T31*T52 + T14*T31*T52 - Zo*A12*T15*T46*T51
- Zo*A22*T14*T46*T51 - Zo*A12*T13*T46*T51 - Zo*T12*T46*T51
+ Zo*A12*T16*T45*T51 - Zo*A12*T14*T45*T51 + Zo*A22*T16*T44*T51
+ Zo*A12*T15*T44*T51 + Zo*A12*T13*T44*T51 + Zo*T12*T44*T51
+ Zo*A12*T16*T43*T51 - Zo*A12*T14*T43*T51 + Zo*T16*T42*T51
- Zo*T14*T42*T51 - A12*T15*T36*T51 - A22*T14*T36*T51
- A12*T13*T36*T51 - T12*T36*T51 + A12*T16*T35*T51 - A12*T14*T35*T51
+ A22*T16*T34*T51 + A12*T15*T34*T51 + A12*T13*T34*T51 + T12*T34*T51
+ A12*T16*T33*T51 - A12*T14*T33*T51 + T16*T32*T51 - T14*T32*T51
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