I think the current LAPACK code is in reasonable shape now, so I'll be
checking it into the share/lapack directory, including an update to
init-cl.lisp so that we search the lapack directory.
load(lapack) will cause maxima to compile and load all of the lapack
routines, and the one simple maxima interface file.
The routines copy the output to a Maxima matrix list-of-lists. We can
revisit these issues later if we decide a different approach is
I hope this is useful,
P.S. What is the oldest version of gcl we support? 2.6.7?
P.P.S. It's unfortunate gcl 2.6.8 still doesn't have
ensure-directories-exist. I poked around a bit and I don't see how
you could even write one since gcl doesn't seem to have any kind of
mkdir function.