I cannot load zeilberger package |||| nusum & Zeilberger
Subject: I cannot load zeilberger package |||| nusum & Zeilberger
From: giovanni gherdovich
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2007 17:24:28 +0100 (CET)
I have two questions:
1) I cannot load the zeilberger package. Here is the
Maxima session:
(%i1) load(zeilberger);
Could not find `zeilberger' using paths in
(combined values: [...])
-- an error. Quitting. To debug this try
But I'm able to normally load other packages from
(%i2) load(distrib);
(%i3) load(plotdf);
(%i4) load(descriptive);
I run Maxima 5.9.2, got from the "Synaptic Manager"
tool in Ubuntu Dapper Drake. I downloaded separately
(from Ubuntu system) the maxima/share directory.
How should I do?
2) I would like to know if the Zeilberger package
uses the command "nusum" when it performs the Gosper
Giovanni Gherdovich
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