error in plot command?

On 1/6/07, Dan Solomon <Daniel.L.Solomon at> wrote:

> x[1]:.5; x[2]:sqrt(1-x[1]^2) * cos(2*tau); x[3]:sqrt(1-x[1]^2) * sin
> (2*tau);

> plot2d([parametric, x[2],x[3], [tau,0,2*%pi]]);

Dan, for these inputs, I get "Unknown plot option specified:  tau".
If I change the tau in the expressions to t, then the parametric
plot works OK.

If you have time please file a bug report.
A parametric plot should work for any name of the parameter.

If you're using an older version of Maxima I'll recommend pretty
strongly to get the most recent version. There have been many
improvements (although not a fix for this particular bug).

> The following restarts are available:
> R1 = Macsyma top-level
> 1. Break [1]>

Try entering "R1" at the prompt. If that doesn't help try "(run)".

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier