>>>>> "Alain" == Alain Michaud <Alain.Michaud at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> writes:
Alain> Hi,
Alain> I am new to symbolic manipulation software. I hope my questions will
Alain> not be too dumb:
Alain> - Is there a textbook, for Maxima? Is Maxima similar enough so that I
Alain> can just go to he books written for Maple (or Mathematica)?
You can find a reference manual and a tutorial at
<http://maxima.sourceforge.net/docs.shtml>. There are probably other
material elsewhere.
I think maxima is sufficiently different that Maple and MMA books will
not be that helpful. But I am not an Maple or MMA user.
Alain> - I am using linux on usual pentium computers. Which lisp compiler is
Alain> the best (I have clisp right now)?
Any of the lisps supported by maxima (including clisp, cmucl, gcl,
sbcl) should work.