Hi,all :-)
I've got troubles with units . I read http://maxima.sourceforge.net/docs/manual/pt/maxima_71.html .
What am I doing? This is my example.First with mass,acceleration and force...everything OK. But from i7 you'll see that I have troubles with calculate [kg/s^2] to [N/m] .Sometimes I get outputs for q in these units, but I need outputs in N/m . I'm not going to explain everyone that these units are equal.
By hand: [kg/s^2]=[ (N*s^2)/m / s^2 ]= [N/m]
>From maxima:
(%i1) load("unit")$
* Units version 0.50 *
* Definitions based on the NIST Reference on *
* Constants, Units, and Uncertainty *
* Conversion factors from various sources including *
* NIST and the GNU units package *
Redefining necessary functions...
Initializing unit arrays...
(%i2) Mass:70*kg;
(%o2) 70*kg
(%i3) acceleration:9.81*[m/s^2];
(%o3) [9.810000000000001*m/s^2]
(%i4) Force:Mass*acceleration;
(%o4) [686.7000000000001*(kg*m)/s^2]
(%i5) setunits(N);
(%o5) done
(%i6) Force;
(%o6) [6867/10*N]
(%i7) q:287*[kg/s^2];
(%o7) [287*kg/s^2]
(%i8) setunits(N,m);
Too many arguments supplied to setunits(units):
-- an error. To debug this try debugmode(true);
(%i9) setunits[(N,m)];
(%o9) setunits[m]
(%i10) q;
(%o10) [287*kg/s^2]
(%i11) setunits[(N,m)];
(%o11) setunits[m]
(%i12) q;
(%o12) [287*kg/s^2]
(%i13) setunits(N/m);
Argument to `concat' not an atom: %force/%length
#0: setunits(units=[N/m])(unit.mac line 606)
#1: setunits(units=N/m)(unit.mac line 624)
-- an error. To debug this try debugmode(true);
(%i14) setunits[N/m];
(%o14) setunits[N/m]
(%i15) q;
(%o15) [287*kg/s^2]
Anyone knows what to do?
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