Are compiled maxima functions lexically scoped????

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michel Van den Bergh [mailto:michel.vandenbergh at]
> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:19 PM
> For example in python it is perfectly legal to write
> def f(s,t):
>     return s(t)

Presumably Python is modeled after Lisp-1 semantics, like scheme, a dialect
of lisp.

To elaborate on the difference here...

In scheme you can write

(define (f s t)(s t))

It is also possible then to do

(define (f s t u)(s t u))

In which case  (f '* 2 3)  returns 6.

In common lisp, by contrast

(defun f (s t u)(s t u))  

(f '* 2 3) 

would say "s undefined function", because the parameter s and the function s
are unrelated.  To connect them,

(defun f (s t u)(funcall s t u))
(f '* 2 3)   returns 6.
