Over the past few releases David Billinghurst has revised and
extended the treatment of Airy functions and their derivatives.
Many thanks to David for his excellent work.
There remains the function $AIRY in src/bessel.lisp which
I'll quote here in extenso --
(defun $airy ($arg)
(cond ((numberp $arg)
(slatec:dai (float $arg)))
(list '($airy simp) $arg))))
There are no other Airy functions (neither Bi nor anything else)
in src/bessel.lisp. The new stuff is all in src/airy.lisp,
including $AIRY_AI which implements the above behavior.
So I'd like to replace $AIRY with something to print a message
to say $AIRY has been replaced by $AIRY_AI,
and cut out the documentation for $AIRY.
So far as I can tell $AIRY is not called from anywhere in src/,
share/, or tests/.