mactex-utilities: Problem with tex() and matrices.

Hi all,

I'm encountering a lisp error.

I think this began with the new 5.11.0 release, and I'm pretty sure that I
got mactex-utilities off this list a few months ago, corresponding to an
earlier release of maxima.  (I'm sorry I can't be more specific, it has
been a while since I've used maxima although I've updated in the meantime)

In trying to have the latex style tex() fractions, I'm loading
mactex-utilities.  However it errors when I feed it a matrix and refers to
a list problem, as demonstrated below:

(%i1) constitutivecoeffs_a:matrix(
(%i2) define(ea11(x),
(%i3) tex(ea11(x))$
 \left(\vatwothree\,\vathreeone+\vatwoone\right)\,\Satwotwo\left(x ,

/* NOTE: everything is working so far, except as follows...... */

(%i4) load("mactex-utilities")$
/usr/share/maxima/5.11.0/share/utils/mactex-utilities.lisp, was defined in
WARNING: DEFUN/DEFMACRO: redefining function TEX-MATRIX in
/usr/share/maxima/5.11.0/share/utils/mactex-utilities.lisp, was defined in
WARNING: DEFUN/DEFMACRO: redefining function TEX-LIMIT in
/usr/share/maxima/5.11.0/share/utils/mactex-utilities.lisp, was defined in
(%i5) tex(ea11(x))$
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

APPEND: A proper list must not end with " "

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

Does anybody know why this is occurring?  Thanks a bunch,

Peter Gustafson