El Martes, 16 de Enero de 2007 14:41, Fabrizio Caruso escribi?:
> Hi
> In the near future I could have
> one or two computer science students
> work on a software project here
> at the University of Pisa
> (300-450 hours of work for each student).
> I could have them implement something
> in/for Maxima.
> Any suggestions?
> It should be something not too
> mathematically complicated.
> Fabrizio
Well, i don't know if it fits in what you had in mind, but ?what about some
package for creating animations of a family of curves given by a parameter?.
Something like the solution that Mario gave me before, but handling the
auxiliary image files created, and as platform-independent as possible.
?Maybe it could be possible to implement the "animate" command with the usual
options of the "plot" ones?
Miguel Angel Marco Buzunariz.
Universidad de Zaragoza.
Departamento de Matem?ticas.