Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 1/16/07, Michel Van den Bergh <michel.vandenbergh at> wrote:
>> Maybe I should give the specific problem I was looking at.
>> The model is an expression (i.e. bfloat(t)) in which you substitute
>> values for certain variables and then you want to
>> "evaluate it" to get a numeric result, if possible. How to do this
>> without invoking ev?
> I guess I don't understand the point of avoiding MEVAL.
> That is not something I would recommend to users,
> and it's not clear to me why it was recommended to you.
I assume Richard will explain this since this is his opinion.
Certainly explicitly calling ev is tricky since evaluation may happen in
the wrong scope
(I struggled with this in levin). I.e. the expression given by the user
may contain names of local variables
or parameters. In his earlier emails Richard seemed to impy that one
could get by without ev and
replace it by substitution. I was just testing this.