students involved in Maxima

Obviously, each person will have his or her needs.

I would like to see the plotting utilities enhanced to give, for
instance, the following.  If your students are lisp-literate, these
things should not be too hard to do.

I apologize if some of these things are already available.  At least,
I don't know how to do them.

1. options to use plot2d to plot several functions with different
    ranges.  For instance, cox(x), [x,0,2*%pi] and exp(x), [x,0,1].

   At present one has to put them both on the same interval.

2. Allowing several 3d plots on the same canvas. 
3. allowing mouse input to call certain commands.  For instance, if
    one has a vector field in 3-dim space (system of ode's). One should be
    able to set the time scale, the number of time steps to compute, and
    to select you favorite integrator (e.g. 4th order Runge-Kutta) and
    click with the mouse to set an initial condition and see a plot of the
    orbit with that initial condition.


On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Fabrizio Caruso wrote:

> Hi
> In the near future I could have
> one or two computer science students
> work on a software project here
> at the University of Pisa
> (300-450 hours of work for each student).
> I could have them implement something
> in/for Maxima.
> Any suggestions?
> It should be something not too
> mathematically complicated.
>   Fabrizio
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  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
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