Frechet derivative of a differential operator in maxima?
Subject: Frechet derivative of a differential operator in maxima?
From: Billinghurst, David (RTATECH)
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:00:27 +1100
> From: Daniel Lakeland
> Is there a package that computes the Frechet derivative of a
> differential operator? I think it would be relatively easy to define
> such a thing, but I admit I'm just beginning to get my head around the
> definition. It seems as though defining such a maxima function
> requires that a series of "depends" clauses be used to force diff to
> emit noun forms for certain derivatives.
> eg:
> depends(U,x);
> depends(delta,x);
> operator: diff(U,x,2) - diff(U,x) + U^2 ;
> foo: (subst(U+eps*delta,U,operator)-operator)/eps;
> ev(foo,diff);
> ratexpand(%,eps);
> limit(%,eps,0);
> 2
> d delta ddelta
> (%o17) ------- - ------ + 2 delta U
> 2 dx
> dx
> How would one go about implementing this in general in maxima while
> remaining both idempotent, and "referentially transparent" (that is
> your program wouldn't alter the global environment or behave
> differently the second time through etc) It seems that the depends
> clauses make it difficult.
I think the pdiff package will do what you want. Some playing around below.
See the docs in share/contrib/pdiff
(%i1) load('pdiff);
(%o1) /usr/local/share/maxima/5.11.0/share/contrib/pdiff/pdiff.lisp
(%i2) op(U,x):=diff(U,x,2)-diff(U,x)+U^2;
(%o2) op(U, x) := diff(U, x, 2) - diff(U, x) + U
(%i3) limit((op(U(x)+eps*d(x),x)-op(U(x),x))/eps,eps,0);
(%o3) 2 d(x) U(x) + d (x) - d (x)
(2) (1)
(%i4) convert_to_diff(%);
d d
(%o4) - -- (d(x)) + --- (d(x)) + 2 d(x) U(x)
dx 2
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