> Has anyone installed and maintained multiple versions of Maxima on the
> same machine and partition?
> I want to compare various versions of Maxima while keeping a unique
> path for each while bringing several versions up all in different
> windows. Is this easily achievable? Otherwise it looks like a not so
> nice alternative would be Xen virtualizing different instances of Maxima
> taken from different partitions. I don't think the latter would run
> into any problems and access would be on the same machine using a single
> console for each instance.
> Thanks -- Ted
Are you doing this in Unix, or in Windows.
With the Win installer, you automatically get different versions in
your program list.
In unix, I unpack the source tar.gz files. That puts them in
different directories.
You can do a configure, make install in one directory, say
. This puts the
three files
maxima, xmaxima, and rmaxima in /usr/local/bin.
Now, you can go into /usr/local/bin and make copies of these files,
say to
maxima-5.10.0, rmaxima-5.10.0, and xmaxima-5.10.0
Now, go back to /usr/local/src/maxima-5.10.0 and do
make uninstall
Then, go into, say
/usr/local/src/maxima-5.11.0 and repeat the
configure; make install
Go into /usr/local/bin and make copies of the files
maxima, rmaxima, xmaxima to
maxima-5.11.0, rmaxima-5.11.0, xmaxima-5.11.0
You now have both versions installed and ready to go.
It may be easier to use Ray's suggestion of "use-version". I don't
The method I just described is what I use for setting things up with
different lisp versions. Again, there is a way to choose the lisp
version at run time. I prefer what I suggested so I don't get
confused in doing many runs.
You can, of course, find out which version you are using by the
build_info() command.
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| Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at math.msu.edu |
| Mathematics Department | |
| Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
| E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |