How to make Maxima evaluate a curl?

Gosei, I been meaning to write to you about this, but I haven't
been able to phrase the question right. I had a same problems,
and that generated a discussion of why grad, div, curl, and laplacian
don't follow the same noun/verb rules that diff and integrate do?

Does you package replace the vect and various tensor packages?
Are they better?

I want to enter in the equations of the Einstein/Cartan/Evans (ECE)
Relativity Theory in maxima. ECE incorporates Cartan's expression
of torsion in GR, yielding a unified field theory. Geometry = Physics.

What are the right tools to use?

(Your email address causes delivery failures).

Tom Widlar

???? wrote:

> hi Tommy
> you may use diff_form package,share/diff_form/.
> curl -->hodge star(exterior differemtiayion) such h_st(d())
> (%i1) load("diff_form.mac")$
> (%i2) 
> fstar_with_clf([x,y,z],[x,y,z],(aa:vtof1([0,0,a*exp(-%i*beta*x)]),h_st(d(aa))));
>                                          - %i beta x
> (%o2)                     %i a beta Dy %e
> please read .../share/diff_form/example.txt
> thanks
> Gosei Furuya
> 2007/1/23, Tommy Li <tommycli at <mailto:tommycli at>>:
>     I'm trying to get Maxima to actually evaluate a curl.
>     I loaded the "vect" package, and here is the output:
>     (%i2) scalefactors([[x,y,z],x,y,z]);
>     (%o2)                                DONE
>     (%i3) A:[0,0,a*exp(-%i*beta*x)];
>                                             - %I BETA x
>     (%o3)                       [0, 0, a %E           ]
>     (%i4) curl(A);
>                                               - %I BETA x
>     (%o4)                    CURL [0, 0, a %E           ]
>     So after I take the curl, the output has the curl as an operator.
>     How do
>     I get it to actually evaluate the curl?
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