derivatives of bessel_j A&S 9.1.27 vs 9.1.30

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    Robert> On 1/24/07, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
    >> Would it be OK to change the derivatives of the Bessel functions
    >> to use A&S 9.1.27 instead of 9.1.30?

    Robert> OK by me.

Is this related to the bug Barton reported about taylor not being able
to expand bessel functions?  If so, we should also tell limit about
bessel functions.  (I think that was the issue.)

But otherwise, I have no problems with changing the derivatives.
Perhaps the derivative in 9.1.30 makes it easier for maxima to deduce
that the bessel functions satisfy Bessel's differential equation?
Just guessing.
